About Us
Commonwealth Auction Associates, Inc. is committed to providing the highest quality real estate auction services in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. We provide auction services to banks, mortgage companies, attorneys and individuals throughout the United States. Our commitment to our clients starts with a professional staff coupled with state of the art technology assuring that each auction we conduct adheres to the highest industry standards. If you have a question about an auction, you can contact us at 617-964-0005.
About Our Website
The website is continuously updated with any changes that should occur throughout the day. In addition to listing the property address, date and time of each sale, you can obtain directions to each property by clicking on the "Google Map" link found under the property listing. We also list the required deposit necessary to register to bid at a sale and the registry of deeds, book, page or document number, where the mortgage being foreclosed is recorded. All daily sales results are entered on the next business day.